Carpet Cleaning in Waynesburg, PA, and Surrounding Areas

Revitalize Your Carpet

We understand that your daily life has you busy, and carpet cleaning is the last thing on your mind. You don’t even think about it until it starts to smell, or the dirt is incredibly noticeable. Over time, your carpet will build up with dirt, bacteria, and other pollutants that cause allergies and respiratory problems.

For more than two decades, Sluggers Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning have continued to provide professional carpet cleaning services in Waynesburg, PA, and surrounding areas. 

Revitalize your carpet and contact us for a free estimate today!

Hot Water Extract Method

Sluggers Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning use a steam cleaning process known as hot water extraction. This method uses hot water and different cleaning agents that lift dirt and other bacteria out of the carpet fibers with a high-powered vacuum.

We also use dry cleaning methods, so your carpet isn’t wet for as long, and you can get back to walking around on it sooner than later. 

Pet Stain and Odor Removal

We all love our pets, but we don’t always love the mess they leave behind. If their accidents aren’t taken care of properly, they can leave behind a horrible smell. We use the best products to remove the pet stains and odors from your carpet and furniture and use a deodorizer to make sure the smell stays away.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Simply call our friendly staff on (724) 627-4623

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